Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hey Family! Just wanted to share a few pictures of our trip to Niagara Falls and Palmyra with you! The narrative at the end of the pictures was supposed to be up here, but I hadn't worked out all the kinks yet. Hey, I'm computer-challenged. It was a fun trip! We went with our friends, Nick and Sarah.

On top fo The Hill Cumorah

Horseshoe Falls

Homer and twin

Zac Effron...teen idol....jk!

"Biggest Momma's Boy" and "Best Drama Queen" awarded by moi

"Best Lover" and "Best Wife" awarded by Rex

We just couldn't get enough at the coca cola store

Two smokin ladies!
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My one true love...guess which one?

A view of both American Falls (left) and Horshoe Falls (right)...and one hot couple

Sweet hat, right?

Chubby Kacers

Hard Rock, baby!
This is the Sacred Grove. It was really serene and peaceful.

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