Monday, June 9, 2008

Our very own blog!!!

Well family, we are now officially cool...(as if we weren't before). We are finally all part of the blogging world! I thought since we are all spread out across the country, this would be a fun and easy way to keep up to date with what everyone is doing. It's fun to see pictures and hear what everyone has going on in their lives. I hope you guys enjoy!


Mom said...

I am trying this to see if I am as cool as everyone else. Kacie and Rex - thanks for doing this! Lynsey - you need to update and add the best-looking people in the family - Jax and Baylee, of course!

I am slaving away in my classroom, but just had to try this out. I sure hope I can remember what my password is - or whatever! The mind is slipping!!

I love you all....Mom

Zak said...

Cool a Blog! How technology has changed........

Ric Oddone said...

I feel threatened. I can't think of any thing creative to say. I am assuming that we will all write on this "blog" (where did that name come from) as a way to stay in touch. Someone (mom) needs to post a few of our N.C photos. That was a fun trip. It brought back a lot of good childhood memories. Too bad Zak didn't get go HA! But he was in school doing his spanish thing.(bueno.)